Sunday, October 30, 2011

We do not make our friends, we find them only
Where they have waited for us for many years;
One day we wander forth when feeling lonely
And lo! a comrade at our side appears.
'tis not discovery, 'tis recognition~
A smile, a glance, and then we grasp a hand~
No explanation needed, no condition
That we are friends is all we understand

These past few weeks (and maybe even longer) have been quite challenging on this subject of friends.
Many events have led to deep contemplation on what I might need and what I'd like to teach my children about what friends are all about.
The first lesson which has come from pain and sadness is, be true to yourself.
Both Morgan and I have been faced with this Maya, illusion, so it seems, of how our actions(or in actions) have been perceived. This is a tricky spot. It is important for me to look at myself (not always an easy thing to do) and thus, teaching my children to look at their part in any drama. With kids, it is not easy to get the whole story. Knowing this, it can be challenging to accept another parents account of what their child said or perceived to be "the truth" or to be right on.
I really am not too interested in getting into details on this. I was about to, but it feels like re-opening a can of worms that has already started composting the scraps.  With that said, time heals. And so does acceptance. And in this case, it is acceptance of allowing all that has happened, to just be what it is.
A big part of homeschooling encompasses the desire to protect our children. I think this is a fairly accurate assumption when it comes to the majority of homeschoolers I have encountered. Part of the challenge with this protecting is being fearful when they get hurt. In this recent case, emotionally. And, well, it just brings me back to letting go and moving forward. Relationships change. When they change, we change. What is wrong with that? We grow, we learn about ourselves and others. There are certain behaviors that we just do not tolerate anymore. Maybe within ourselves... time to change our own behaviors, work on paying closer attention and being more diligent in being present. With ourselves and with each other. And, maybe we let go of the old relationship that is not aiding us in a positive way. 

"A friend suggests, wisely, that the hokey-pokey may be what it's all about, but only if you really DO turn yourself around." - John Perry Barlow
"... we must undergo metamorphosis, transform our consciousness into new and different forms." - Rudolf Steiner
Drama... our culture is addicted to drama. When we do not engage in the drama, it can be perceived in many ways.  It really is silly to attempt to know what is going on for other people. It's not my job to try to figure out what they think or if they are even thinking anything. Why,... that is just too much thinking!
And so, another lesson, stay still. Still in mind, still in heart... allow the world to reflect back with the utmost clarity, when we are still. There is no need for judgement. That just brings pain. It is not my business to know what and how others may be judging me or my children. If at all.......
And so, We just move forward. Attempting to better ourselves and trust in the true friends we have and that more will come when we are ready.

"When human beings meet together seeking the spirit with unity of purpose then they will also find their way to each other ..." - Rudolf Steiner 
I guess this has taken up much of my mental space. The stories we have been reading for school, with Morgan, have been helpful in ushering Morgan into the nine year change. With that comes some of this insecurity she has expressed throughout these past weeks. The bible stories, read as stories and not doctrine, can do as much healing as any myth when presented without judgement. And now we are moving forward in our house building block. Building our metaphoric houses also, those that house us, our spirit, our true being. Time to get building something spectacular.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

School updates

         Well, despite the small numbers at our Michealmas festival (The Tesserau's and us) we had a fantastic time! We made swords, crowns, meteors (out of tinfoil w/ streamers) ate caramel apples(made from scratch, my own, home made "corn syrup") and had our play!  It seems everyone had a great time and felt a part of the whole festival. Xavier and Hunter were both St.Micheal(I read the lines) Morgan and Deva were the princesses who were offered up to the dragon. And the Dragon was Adom, Christopher and Tyler. We sang, acted out the story and threw our meteors! I would say, it was a success!

         So, I am finally finishing up my first blocks of the year!  With Tyler, we began with an English block. It has gone nicely, hand in hand with his English class that he attends once a week. We went over adjectives, adverbs, positives,comparatives and superlatives.Much is review and some is at least, new terminology. One thing about Waldorf education is that a lot is covered in the early years, there just are not many terms set to the actual work. This is so not to bombard with too much information and dull the mind so it doesn't shut down. Typically , artistic activity is the medium at which these often "boring" topics are presented. But, I have been a bit challenged with incorporating more artistic ways of presenting to an Eighth grader. I plan to work on finding more beauty in bringing the work to Tyler. I think next week we will get into some Astronomy and Meteorology that we did not cover last year.We can do more outside with this. And make some nice drawings and models!
Tyler is taking a math class also. I had hoped not to have to do too much with him on this, but, nonetheless... as a homeschooler, I need to still work with him. It is so challenging for me. I am a mathaphobe! (is that a word??) So, Saul Khan via the Khan academy, gives Tyler some hope and sparks interest. This is such an awesome website! It has everything and it's Free!!

Vimala Alphabet
     With Morgan, we have been covering the Vimala alphabet.  The book I have been working from with this, is "Soul development through Handwriting". It has been wonderful!! It is not our traditional cursive writing. Many letters are different than what we are used to, yet some are similar to what we know. The letters themselves, when practiced, work on us. Specific letters work on different issues such as, self- worth, dealing with others, stubbornness, and so much more. Here is a good example which is done by the woman, Jennifer Crebbin, who wrote the book we use. .
The Cover page for the Seven Days of Creation

So, we have been studying Old Testament stories. We have painted and are finishing up our book of creation, which we painted with wet-on-wet watercolors and are writing a short description in the newly learned Vimala alphabet. It is looking beautiful!!

We've been working on our upper tables. Mostly 6-12. We will continue this all year. It has been fun to write out our numbers on the parking lot with sidewalk chalk and walk or skip them so to get them into the body....not just the mind. I'm sure I will have to keep working on fun ways to make these times tables fresh.
God said:" Let there be light", and so there was light.
Also, Adam and Eve and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden was told. This is a big story for children. It goes right along with what is going on in the life of an eight year old, going on nine. Moving from the innocent world of being protected by Mother and Father(God ,in the story) and having their awareness move to the bigger world. Their eyes are open more, so to speak. They are more aware of their bodies(like Adam and Eve) ready to do more for themselves. Cook, build, create.Something Adam and Eve had to do once they left the Garden of Eden.
For direction medicine wheels, made with beeswax and willow.

 We also told some Native American creation stories and did some crafts, also aiding us in learning the 4 directions.
I think our next block will be a farming one. We will visit farms and work our own soil here at home and learn about animals. More outside time!! Hooray! Maybe we will even get that chicken coop built!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Michealmas: The festival of Courage

"Micheal, heaven's knight
rains down iron showers from the shooting stars"

This time of year can get very busy for me. There is so much I want to do with the kids, schooling, outings etc.
Fall is my favorite time of year. And so far, we, the kids and I, have been very busy with our school work. Tyler has some classes where he is accountable to other teachers besides me. That has been great so far this year. It is one way that I have accepted my limitations and reached out for help. While on one hand, homeschooling can seem  a bit like wanting to control our children and their future outcomes(based in fear)...the other side is about letting go and asking for help.... totally trusting in the universe to step in when asked or allowed(via Me, getting out of the way). And truly, homeschooling for me is more about spending time with my children and family, creating a close knit relationship. We get through the thick and thin together. I make plenty mistakes and I do my best to own up to them. And, I ask for help. And help is there. Hence, outside classes, help from family and friends and building community. Which leads me to the reason I am posting today;
Michealmas, in a nutshell, is the festival of courage! As the light of the Sun begins to fade, we are all gathering up our courage, our nuts(if we are squirrels, or from a crazy family, teehee) In days of old, or in the North as is my Father, we are chopping wood, to be sure we can make it through the cold, dark of winter. We are harvesting all that the sun's warmth and light has produced throughout the summer and storing it up for winter. There are so many ways to see how we outwardly prepare for winter. What are we doing to prepare inwardly? When the short, dark days are knocking on our door. Reminding us of our lack of light? Do we believe the darkness? Do we give in to these ideas that we do not have enough? Not enough we get depressed(not trying to minimize depression in ANY way...chemical imbalances are real) but the depression comes also with other lacks... lack of money, as Christmas approaches, lack of the loved ones we have lost.....
So, to prepare spiritually, what can be done? There are of course countless ways to nurture our spirit. And Michealmas is one way that we can take up our sword of light, gathering up the iron that is given to us from the heavens and forging our swords to bring this light into the world. Holding it within ourselves in remembering our connection with the higher beings of light, to make it through the darkness.
Now, I have no doubt that there is an even older, Paganish festival which celebrates this similar theme.The equinox or some other type. But I am going on my understanding of Rudolf Steiner's explanations along with my own experiences of the season.
Community! Having a festival is akin to gathering up our friends and family around us. Asking for help in a sense. I am very excited to have completed the first step towards planning our first homeschool community Michealmas festival!  We will create costumes, sing songs, share in our harvest(apples, bread) and finish with a play! This play will be inclusive and anyone who wants to join in can!
And so, it looks like it will be a small group. But it should be a good time. I say, just following through and setting up this event pushes me to be courageous. And so begins the festival of courage!

" A knight and a lady  went riding one day, far into the forest, away, away...........
Dear knight said the lady I pray have a care, this forest is evil, beware...beware...
A fiery red dragon lay spied on the grass, the lady wept sorely, alas...alas....
The knight slew the dragon, the lady was gay, they rode off together, away...away......"
The Knight and the lady AND the dragon are all archetypes that live within ourselves. We display of embody(sp?) all of these characters. So, to be aware of which energy(so to speak) is apparent at one time or another, they are all necessary, but at what times and which situations. This is where being fully present, in the moment can help us observe ourselves, our actions and behaviors so that we can wield our swords of light and save the victim(from ourselves) or not just victim but maybe the lady is our innocence which could be protected ,or subdue the dragon(also ourselves) or killing off certain behaviors or attachments which no longer serve us... thus, Micheal and the sword of light come in(with the meteoric iron from the sky) to burn up old, destructive behaviors and attachments.
And this prepares us for the coming months of darkness.... rid ourselves of self-doubt now, so when darkness is upon us, we can see the light within ourselves and not hold onto the old fears, attachments that can make it difficult to see the light. If we are riddled with that fear of the dragon who was not defeated, this would make it more difficult to continue on through the dark months.
So, let us clear the way, defeat the dragon and move forward, fearlessly into the dark for we know that the light will see us through!

Friday, September 9, 2011

So, I've thought about blogging for some time now. Well, not too much time but since my 14 yr.old was given the assignment to start a blog, it just made sense for me to do it too. Thank you Karen:)

I am Michelle Davies-Smith. Mick was my nickname growing up and those close to me still use it with affection (and plenty of other emotions hehe)
I have a 14 year old boy, Tyler. An 8 1/2 year old daughter, Morgan and a 4 1/2 year old son, Hunter. We have two cats, Prince and Angie as well as the dog they rule over, Foxxy. And my dear Husband and hardworking partner, Andy.
My blog will mostly entail our triumphs of the homeschooling days.This basically encompasses everything, for much of my waking hours are devoted to teaching my children in one way or another.
Maybe I will blog once a week. Maybe more,maybe less... I will have to see how my next step comes about. And, perhaps I will include my frustrations. But most of all, I hope to convey what comes about and unfolds from living life from stillness. There will also be days where it will be very clear that I have forgotten the stillness and well, some days could come from fear,pain and self-violence. But my intention is to blog and come from LOVE, stillness which keeps me in the present moment, therefor assisting me in carrying out the will of the Universe, Mother/Father/God, The Goddess....the stillness.
So, here is my first tidbit. Something the Dalai Lama posted on Facebook (that seems odd that the Dalai Lama posts on Facebook but then, how else would he teach me my lessons of living on this planet earth ?:)

"Modern education pays attention to the development of the brain and the intellect, but this is not enough. We need also to be able to develop warm-heartedness in our educational systems. This we need from kindergarten all the way through university."
This is very Steiner like. Something I will blog more about in the future, along with Waldorf Education and our first completions of the homeschool week. I hope to find my way through this blog experience and to share the musings of my highest self with all who find interest in it.